New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
21 March 2022
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours

Attending Councillors:  Sue Glenton (Chairman)                                 (SG)
                                         Christine Cooke                                              (CC)
                                         Darren Newton                                                (DN)
                                         Yvonne Orton                                                  (YO)
                                         Carol Runciman                                              (CR)
                                          Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)

Apologies:                      Christine Durrant                                             (CD)
                                         Roy Love                                                         (RL)

Visitors:                           Two Police representatives
Clerk/Minute Taker:       Sally Bruckshaw                                              (SB)

22.03.01       Notices of the Meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving    
                    Reasons for Absence

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reasons for absence were approved.

22.03.02       To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda

None received.

22.03.03       To Receive Reports on Police Matters

The Police report for February had been received.  Two Police representatives were welcomed to the meeting.  They discussed how they were dealing with incidents of anti-social behaviour.  The problems with parking outside the University sports ground were raised again and a member of the public had notified specific problems.  It was agreed that the Police would monitor the situation. 

22.03.04       To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 February, 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.  It was noted that the lighting at the MUGA appeared to be only partially working.





22.03.05       Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies

Two vacancies remained.
       To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous      

A  The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - Primary school update – The head teacher had confirmed the number of pupils and suitable commemorative gifts were to be sourced.

B  St Nick's Green Corridor Project – Deferred to the next meeting.

C  Ofcom - Review of Postal Regulations - NALC had responded emphasising the importance of financial support for the sector.

D  Local Plan Hearings – These had been delayed due to the Illness of the inspector.

E  Recycling Projects - Primary school competition funding and provision of recycling bins at the Folk Hall – Members agreed to fund the competition prizes (approximately £50).  YO (Recycling Champion) to give further details on the potential cost of bins.

F  York St John University - Parking on Haxby Road – These problems had been previously notified to the Police and details of a recent traffic incident had been received from a member of the public.

22.03.07       To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other     
                     Than That Circulated for Information

16.2 & 1.3.22 - Groundwork – Further information on tree canopy targets had been passed to JRHT.

17.2.22 -  North Yorkshire County Council - Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – noted.

25.2.22 - Leeds Airport - Notification of airspace change decisions.

14.3.22 - YLCA - Smaller Councils Committee – details had been circulated.

March - YLCA – York Branch Meeting – A letter from a local Councillor had been received for information, relating to the Local Authority Code of Conduct.

22.03.08       Planning Matters/Consultations

A  Update (24.2.22) from JRHT about proposed housing developments in New Earswick.

B  22/00456/FUL - Land Lying to the West of Acacia Avenue, New Earswick

Erection of 6 no. dwellings following demolition of garages.  A number of representations had been received from residents.

Members wished to object to the application.  Response D.  A response outlining the concerns relating to the proposal was to be sent to COYC.

22.03.09        Update from the Finance Committee Meeting held on 9 March,

The draft minutes from the Meeting were distributed.  It was noted that further information relating to the grant application from JRHT had been requested.  If received, this would be considered at the April meeting.  The internal audit arrangements had been confirmed.

A  Changes to office accommodation – Members were updated on the proposals being made by JRHT to the existing lease.

B  The 2021-22 national salary award (backdated to 1.4.21) was confirmed.

22.03.10        Grant Applications (Section 137)

New Earswick Nature Reserve

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500 be awarded for tree safety work.

All Saints and St Andrew's Church

RESOLVED:   That a grant of £950 be awarded for new uniforms, music and instruments for the Youth Band.  

22.03.11        Environmental Matters

A  Resident - Request for reduction in glyphosate use in weed control.  This had been forwarded to JRHT, who had responded that they did not use this product.

B  Safety issues with the footpath adjacent to the River Foss.  COYC had responded (3.3.22) to confirm that consultants had been appointed to assess the area near to the Link Road.  The other two items raised would be dealt with as soon as practical owing to staff shortages.

C The damaged paving near to the shops had been reported to COYC again.

22.03.12         Update on Attendance at YLCA Member Training   

CC had attended the latest training courses.

22.03.13          York Bus Forum Membership

RESOLVED That the Parish Council should support the Forum and the £15 annual fee be paid.

22.03.14         Notification of Closure- New Earswick Methodist Church  

Members were notified that the Methodist Church would close in the summer.  There were longer term implications for the location of the defibrillator which used the electricity supply at the church.

22.03.15         To Approve the Payments Listed Below

A  Joseph Rowntree Foundation (Room Hire)                        786.00 (14.3.22)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            B   Petty Cash                                                                           50.00 (14.3.22)                            
C  Salary (March)                                                                    662.05 (20.3.22)
D  HMRC                                                                                533.24 (21.3.22)

RESOLVED That the above payments be accepted.

22.03.16          Items for the Next Meeting

St Nick's Green Corridor Project.
Outstanding JRHT matters to be raised with the Deputy Director.
Re-siting of defibrillator.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.20 hours.


Signed ____________________________ Chairman, 21 April, 2022